Mon, 06/29/2020 Some departures will put you on the right path to your personal journey.pathdestinyexperience
Mon, 05/11/2020 Allen Saunders Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.planlifemeaning of lifeexpectationsdestinyhappen
Tue, 05/05/2020 Mandy Hale Realize that if a door closed, it’s because what was behind it wasn’t meant for you.doorreasondestinymeant to bepurposeopportunity
Mon, 05/04/2020 Mandy Hale Sometimes when you lose your way, you find YOURSELF.waydestinyfind yourselfwrong turngetting lostmistakes
Mon, 02/17/2020 Tony Robbins It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.decisionmomentdestinychoices
Sat, 02/15/2020 Mandy Hale You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.plantrustrelaxcalmnessmoving ondestinyletting gohappen
Tue, 02/11/2020 George Bernard Shaw Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.destinyself-developmentlifeperson
Wed, 01/22/2020 Maya Angelou If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can bepersondestinysocietyframeshappinessstanding out
Tue, 01/07/2020 Single introverts be like "If it's meant to be, my future love will simply teleport into my living room"introvertdestinyactionslovedeedsmeant to be